
Guideline on Innovation Procurement (IP) in water sector
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021). E 4.1.1. Training materials for Innovation Procurement in the water sector.
Available here.
*Chapter 3: why develop IP actions
*Chapter 4: instruments and initiatives to support IP
*Chapter 5: examples of cases developed of IP in water sector *Chapter 6: guideline on IP with examples applied to water sector

Pilot cases of IP process in water sector
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021). E.3.3.1. Report of the pilot cases of innovation procurement.
Available here.
*Chapter 4: guide on how to carry out a IP process step by step
*Annex 1: model of form to define the technological need in a IP process *Annex 2: guidelines for the development of the technical dialogue
*Annex 3: model of form for technology providers during the technical dialogue
*Annex 4: model of form for administration and public enterprises providers of services during the technical dialogue

Stage 1 of TWIST’s IP process: detection of needs
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021).
E.3.3.2. Guideline for early identification of needs of the public sector in the scope of water management.
Available here.
*Chapter 2: methodology for identifying technological needs with guidelines and model forms

Stage 2 of TWIST’s IP process: searching for solutions
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021).
E 1.1.1 Identification of actors and innovation projects on the water sector.
Available here.
*Chapter 2: methodology and model of questionnaire