Guideline on Innovation Procurement in water sector

The Innovation Procurement processes, regardless of the choice of the modality of innovation procurement and the award procedure of public procurement, follow the same general scheme:

•Stage 1: Detection of needs.
•Stage 2: Search for solutions.
•Stage 3: Writing and processing of the procurement document. •Stage 4: Monitoring and evaluation of the contract.

In the framework of the TWIST’s project has been included, in the deliverable “E 4.1.1. Training materials for Innovation Procurement in the water sector” a Guideline on Innovation Procurement in water sector that dedicates a section to each of these stages but, previously the document discuss:

•a Decalogue of good practices, that provides supportive elements for decision makers who want to develop and implement a public procurement policy that promotes innovation;
•the types of public procurement in which innovation intervenes because, depending on the situation from which we start and the result we want to obtain, one type of procurement will be more appropriate than another at the time of meeting our needs; and,

•the degree of maturity of the innovation at the beginning of the procurement because, depending on the proximity to the market of what you want to contract, it determined what type of innovation procurement will satisfy better the needs to be covered.

Lastly, with a view to facilitate competitive market demand for innovation, the guideline dedicate a section to provide the main support tools and guidance at the time of promoting the use of award procedures of public procurement.

For more information, read chapter 6 of :
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021). E 4.1.1. Training materials for Innovation Procurement in the water sector.

Available here.