Cases of Innovation Procurement in water sector

Many initiatives related to Innovation Procurement have been developed both at the European level and regional and national level.

Bellow are some examples of needs addressed through IP in the field of water, highlighting those involving TWIST regions:

Finished innovation procurement cases


PCP for Water Smart Metering

Water PiPP

Water Public Innovation Procurement Policies


Innovative prototypes based on natural or modified clays for water purification and nano-formulations for intelligent pesticide release

Development of a microalgae prototype to measure the amount of arsenic in irrigation waters and agricultural products

Ongoing innovation procurement cases


New integrated model for sewage sludge and other waste


Reduction of the impact on water bodies due to sanitation reliefs

Computer systems to support decision-making in water management

Energy optimization and circular economy for purification in medium-sized centres

For more information, read chapter 5 of :
Transnational Water Innovation Strategy – TWIST (online, 2021). E 4.1.1. Training materials for Innovation Procurement in the water sector.

Available here.